015 by NancyAbrahamson
  1. NancyAbrahamson's Gallery
  2. Alex's trip to San DiegoAlex's trip to San Diego
  3. 015015

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Item information:

015 (Mango cheesecake at Extraordinary Desserts)
016 (Pumpkin cheesecake)
017 (Alex at Extraordinary Desserts)
018 (Alex)
019 (Alex in Little Italy)
020 (Little Italy)
021 (Alex at Little Italy)
022 (Little Italy)
023 (Alex's last Chipotle in San Diego)
024 (Alex leaving at airport)
013 (view from my desk)
014 (Alex in front of Asian Market)
009 (Alex trying on jeans at Guess)
010 (Fashion Valley)
011 (Fashion Valley)
001 (Mission Bay)
002 (Mission Bay)
003 (Mission Bay)
004 (Mission Bay)
005 (Mission Bay)
006 (jet pack at Mission Bay)
008 (Sunset from my work on Harbor Island)
001 (Alex at Seaport Village)
002 (Alex at Seaport Village)
003 (Alex at Seaport Village)
004 (Alex at Seaport Village)
005 (Alex at Seaport Village)
006 (Alex at Seaport Village)
007 (Alex at cuban rest Embargo Grill)
008 (Pink beans and squash**ate because of needy restaurant owner)
009 (Alex eating cuban sandwich)
001 (Hotel Del)
002 (Hotel Del)
003 (Hotel Del)
004 (Hotel Del)
005 (Hotel Del)
006 (Hotel Del)
007 (Surfers Imperial Beach)
008 (Surfers Imperial Beach)
032 (Cabrillo Tide Pool)
001 (Alex at Cabrillo Monument)
002 (Alex at Cabrillo Monument)
003 (Navy ship coming in Harbor)
004 (Navy ship coming into harbor)
005 (North Island)
006 (view from Cabrillo Monument)
007 (view from Cabrillo Monuments)
009 (Alex at Cabrillo Monument)
010 (Cabrillo statue)
011 (Cabrillo statue)
014 (Alex at Cabrillo)
015 (fog bank coming in)
016 (fog bank)
020 (light house light)
021 (Cabrillo Monument)
022 (Cabrillo Monument)
024 (Alex summoning in clouds)
025 (fog rolling in cabrillo)
026 (Cabrillo Monument)
027 (Alex at Cabrillo Monument)
028 (Alex in old world war battery box)
029 (alex at tide pools at Cabrillo Mon)
030 (alex at tide pools)
031 (tide pools)
103 (Alex at La Jolla hat shop)
104 (sunset at Sunset Cliffs)
105 (Alex at Sunset CliffsCliffs)
084 (Alex at La Jolla)
085 (A;ex La Jolla Cove)
086 (Alex at La Jolla c)
089 (Alex at La Jolla Cove)
090 (Alex at La Jolla Cove)
091 (La Jolla Cove)
092 (La Jolla Cove)
098 (Alex at LJC)
099 (Alex LJC)
100 (Alex LJC)
101 (Alex LJC)
095 (Seals at LJC)
096 (Palm Trees ar LJC)
097 (Alex at LJC)

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